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Building and Scaling Technology Companies, by John LUSK on November 18th, at 18:00 via ZOOM

Updated: Sep 17, 2022

CEO, Founder, Best-selling Author and current VP & GM at Spire, John Lusk will join LBAN community to talk about Building and Scaling Technology Companies.

He has founded 2 Venture backed technology companies and has spent the majority of his career working at startups and scaleups in San Francisco and Seattle.

He's a Wharton MBA graduate, a former semi-professional footballer, a best-selling author on entrepreneurship and an angel investor.

John Lusk will speak about the framework that he used to scale multiple technology companies and will elaborate how this framework can help when assessing investments. He will also highlight what he specifically looks for when making angel investments, drawing on his experience as both an entrepreneur and investor.

Register here to receive the attendance link.

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